Honey honey. It tastes great in everything especially in drinks that I make at home.
I add it to drinks via a honey syrup which I only recently learned how easy it was to make used to just add globs of honey and would pray that it would melt a little and some how makes its way around the drink but ultimately was left with a semi-sweet drink with a pile of honey stuck to the bottom. Then I started microwaving honey to make it more soluble, but it was kind of cooking the honey and altering the taste. I realized there must be a better way and finally decided to google it. I discovered that honey syrup is something I could quickly make and make the honey much more soluble without messing with the taste. Honey syrup is great with lattes, teas, and cold brews and tons of every drinks.
I typically make this every Sunday and it lasts about a week. I pour it into about two drinks a day.
If you follow the recipe I created below, I recommenced using 5oz bottles, these are the ones I use. Also recommend adding a pour spout like these to make pouring easier.
For honey I always recommenced supporting your local bee-keepers. I get mine from Buzzed Honey who I met when I was selling my pottery at a market and they were a few tables over. I loved how they had honey from all LA from Altadena to Santa Monica and many places in between so I had to buy some. I loved it so much I decided to sell it! Check it out on the link below.
Here is a recipe I created to make the process of making your own honey syrup even easier.
STEP 1: Grab a kitchen scale and a large cup, large enough to hold both the water and the honey as this will be the cup you mix it all together in at the end. Use a spoon to weight out the honey.

STEP 2: I suggest anywhere from 100 grams to 140 grams, I think 110 grams is the sweet spot pun intended. I suggest basing it on how much honey you have available as well as its often not worth opening another jar just to add 10 more grams.

STEP 3: Grab a measuring cup to measure out 1/2 cup of water.

STEP 4: Pour water in cup that is microwavable, I suggest a ceramic latte mug.

STEP 5: Microwave cup of water for 2 minutes, care when handling after as it will be boiling.

STEP 6: Carefully pour that hot a$$ water right on top of that honey.

STEP 7: Mix with water and honey together with spoon, at first it will feel like like its not mixing together but just keep going, get that sticky stuff at the bottom moving around.

STEP 8: Mix and mix and mix and stir and mix and stir. Keep going. It feels like its not working but it will just keep getting thinner and thinner until the mixture magically becomes one.
STEP 9: Look at it, you did it. Now let this cool to room temperature. Cover to prevent attracting dust as it cools.

STEP 10: Grab your favorite funnel and insert it it your honey syrup storage bottle of choice.

STEP 11: Pour in that sweet sweet goodness.

STEP 12: Enjoy with your beverage of choice.

[[ recipeID=recipe-8kn2enkm0, title=Honey Syrup Coffee Sweetener ]]
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